No more missed subscriptions, no more late fees, no more hassle. Track all your subscriptions in one place.
Gain access to exclusive features of subshero , Grab this lifetime deal starting at just $49.
Remove limit and track all subscriptions, additional Folders, Tags and more
Pro users get priority customer support to help you with your queries.
No more missed notifications, Subshero to your rescue
Easily Import/Export your Subs data, Potentially Migrate from other platforms.
Support the developers directly and help us make Managing Subs great again.
Lifetime Access to all features and future updates
Set multiple alerts so that you'll be notified at specific times of the day or week.
Integrate with external apps using our API and webhook functions
Gain access to exclusive features of subshero , Grab this lifetime deal starting at just $49.
Yes, it is a one-time payment, there is no subscription charges involved
For whatever reason even if you think it’s silly, you can get a refund within 60 days of your purchase.
For sure, Lifetime Support is inclusive. We are open for suggestions and feedbacks
Subshero Teams Plan gives you access to 5 Pro Plus Accounts, which you share with your family members or friends
There is a soft limit of 1000 Subs for techical reasons, but you can get in touch with our support to remove this limit.
Yes, you can track and manage any one-time, recurring payments or free trials
Currently we accept payments via Credit Card (Stripe) and Paypal.