
Get an overview of all your subscriptions in one place so that you can make informed decisions about which ones to keep and which ones to cancel.

Don't Be this Guy​

If you’re tracking subscriptions on Google Sheets or an Simple Excel Sheet, you’ll need to use complex formulas to calculate monthly spendings and yearly value of your subscription.

Be this Guy

With Subshero, just add your subscription, set recurrence and ending date. App will automatically generate monthly and yearly reports which can be filtered based on category, payment methods etc.

Track upto 20 Subs for free

No Credit Card Required

Add your Subscription and Relax

App will calculate your monthly recurring value of your subscriptions, yearly spendings and savings

Summary and Filters

Use filters to identify and track how much money is going out over time.

Smart Saving

Monitor where you are spending more to ensure that your expenses are being used prudently and strategically.
